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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

Does the Internet Encourage Democracy?

The Internet serves a lot of purposes to everyone who has access to it. Information can be read, created, and spread by anyone who is connected to the Internet. That is why its role in the promotion of democracy cannot be overlooked. Without a doubt, the Internet is a powerful agent of change. However, contrasting to all the undeniable benefits that it gives, many people also see its equal potential to do harm particularly in democracy.

Those who claim that the Internet encourages democracy say that it allows fighters for democracy to connect with people who are victims of a repressive system. With the help of Internet these days, people can share their grievances on social media. They will know that they are not alone. Using social media to expose oppression not only empowers the repressed but also heightens awareness among the public.

Moreover, the Internet can become a portal for the public to express opinion and criticism to their government leaders. Government leaders will be able to address the people? issues more effectively. The government can take proper action by listening to the concerns of the people.

Finally, they add that the Internet is a medium for free flowing information between nations. Other countries that are more democratic can arouse residents of countries that are under a repressive regime. The repressed can feel empowered to demand a just government.

Those who object say that unfortunately, not all countries have access to free flowing information. Many countries use the Internet to promote submission to the government. The Internet is actually censored by many countries in the world. In fact, some countries have deliberately blocked Google to remove materials that people could use to fight for democracy.

Furthermore, the Internet is not always used for ideal purposes like promoting democracy. It can also be used against the public. People who exercise their freedom of speech through the Internet can get in trouble because the government uses the Internet as a form of surveillance.

Lastly, they assert that the Internet is not used by everyone to spread factual information that will open the eyes of the public. Many people also use the Internet to spread different propagandas that aim to manipulate people. People are fed certain information from selected sources that are one-sided. Information on the Internet, although countless, is not always free from bias.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Debate: Does the Internet Encourage Democracy?

The Internet is very useful in spreading information. Because of the information available on the Internet, many people see that it has a leading role in shaping democracy. Do you think the Internet encourages democracy?

1. The repressed will no longer feel alone with the help of the Internet.
2. The Internet can become a portal for the people to communicate with their leaders.
3. The Internet promotes free flowing information between nations.

1. Many countries censor information from the public to prevent uprising.
2. The Internet can be used by the government against the public.
3. The Internet can spread biased information.


repressive 탄압하는, 억압적인

grievance 고충, 불만

portal 입구, 포털

arouse 불러일으키다

censor 검열하다

propaganda 선전

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