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Our Lives Without the Entertainment Industry

Entertainment has been a steady component of society since the old days. The way that people entertain themselves have changed alongside the developments and changes that society has gone through. As different forms of media emerged, the ways that people entertained themselves also evolved. The ways that people entertain themselves also tend to become more complex mostly because of technology and innovation.

Without the entertainment industry, people today would still seek out different ways to be entertained since humans naturally seek leisure. Surely, the absence of the entertainment industry would have social and economic implications. The absence of the entertainment industry may not necessarily and entirely be a good or a bad thing. It just makes things a bit different from the way people today get entertained.

From a social standpoint, the absence of the entertainment industry may make the modes of entertainment that people have today more lively, active, and interactive experiences for most people. This may make people today more sociable because they wouldn’t have to sit on their couches or stay locked up in their bedrooms binge-watching. Instead, they would go out and socialize with people. More people may also engage in sports, and they may travel more frequently. More people may also start getting interested in reading for pleasure.

These days, the enjoyment and distribution of the different products of the entertainment industry largely depend on technology. Without the entertainment industry, it is also possible for people to depend on technology less.

From an economic standpoint, the absence of the entertainment industry may be a bad thing. It will significantly affect the country’s economy, and no one would capitalize on this country’s talented artists, writers, musicians, singers, actors, comedians, etc.

The history of civilizations proves that people are entertainment-seekers. In fact, people seem to need entertainment in their daily lives now more than ever because of the environment that they live in and the lifestyle habits that they have. Simply put, entertainment has become a necessity because people these days are more stressed than ever, and everything seems to be moving at a very fast pace. It is a good thing that entertainment has turned into an industry. Thanks to the entertainment industry, people now have an array of ways to be entertained.

Entertainment helps keep good work-life balance and school-life balance, but as consumers of products of media and the entertainment industry, people still need to be vigilant about the messages of the contents that they consume.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What factors influence the developments in entertainment?


2. How will people’s behaviors change if there is no entertainment industry?


3. What are the benefits of the entertainment industry?


steady 안정된, 지속적인

evolve 진화하다

implication 영향, 의미

sociable 사교적인

binge-watching 드라마 등을 몰아보는 것

capitalize 이용하다

vigilant 방심하지 않는

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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