
텝스문제 Q&A 어려운 텝스 문제를 함께 풀어보는 게시판입니다.


2024.6.20 매일 텝스풀기 독해 왜 C가 정답인지 이해가 안 가요 알려주실 고수님들 ㅜ

테졸하구싶다 | 조회 435 | 추천 0
  • 2024.06.20
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
2024.6.20  매일 텝스풀기 독해 왜 C가 정답인지 이해가 안 가요 알려주실 고수님들 ㅜ

China is more effective than other nations in filtering information that can be accessed by its citizens online.
It employs subtle tools that block out discussions of issues that may incite political dissent.
Officials are working with numerous public and private firms, as well as with certain search engines, to put undetectable filters in place.
Their method of simply removing links to content deemed offensive without informing the public of what has been taken out is said to work better than notifying people that some sites are banned, as other countries are doing.

a : It allows its people to censor themselves when using the Internet.
b : It is allowing sites to be posted only after being approved.
c : It's trying to play down the full extent of its censorship practices.
d : It wants to prevent its people from using the Internet.
텝스문제 Q&A
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