조회 62
| 추천 0
- 2024.11.11
Rob: Is that rain? Wasn’t it nice and sunny this morning?
Ms. Brown: Well, you must have missed the weather report this morning. The forecaster said scattered thunderstorms.
Rob: I’ve just been too busy to watch the news or read the paper. You wouldn’t have an extra umbrella I could borrow, would you?
Ms. Brown: It just so happens that I do. This is an umbrella I forgot at the office a few weeks ago.
It just so happens that I do. 에서 so의 품사와 의미를 알 수 있을꺄요?
또한 이 문장에서 so의 위치를 동사다음으로 보내고
It just happens so. 로 끝내도 제 생각에는 전혀 이상없지 않나 싶네요 ? 아닌가요? (제 생각에는 so는 부사로 동사를 수식하며 강조의 의미로 동사앞에 위치)
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추천 0개
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