

불량한 십대 커플

은하수지킴이 | 조회 2256 | 추천 7
  • 2019.05.23
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
There was a case that made me decide to study English harder. I met a naughty and strange teen couple. They tried to make fun of me intentionally since my English isn’t fluent. It was so annoying. I ignored them and tried to go home as it was no worth. On the way home, I got so angry cause I wasn’t able to handle it properly. In fact, I wanted to insult them as much as I could. The limit of English has become the limit of my world.

I made up my mind to study English much harder than as usual.
해커스잡, 해커스잡인강, 취업인강, 대기업취업, 인적성, 면접, 자소서, 무료인강, 취업인강환급반
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16442 video 빡세 2087
16441 friend 빡세 2105
16440 Interview 빡세 2021
16439 soccer 빡세 1631
16438 application 빡세 1582
16437 delayed study [1] 빡세 1583
16436 English [1] 빡세 1430
16435 Time to wake up [1] 빡세 1370
16434 economic class [1] 빡세 1336
16433 drama [1] 빡세 1277
16432 regret [1] 빡세 1269
16431 lethargy [1] 빡세 1232
16430 worry [1] 빡세 1259
16429 영작 좀 봐주세요~ agnes 1320
16428 Dentist 까불이 1277
16427 May Clean Air Come Our Way [1] Mr. X 1334
16426 morning joanne 1328
16425 today [1] joanne 1542
16424 today [1] 서현수 1625
16423 daily english diary start [1] sigh 1696

해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.

[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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