

My ex's birthday

Loon | 조회 2391 | 추천 3
  • 2019.06.24
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
Today is my ex's birthday. 
I wish I could send a wish for him, but he broke up with me and wanted to have a space from me. 
We dated for many years and I thought we could move forward. Settling down was only my dream. 
The more I attached to him, the more he pushed me away,
I decided to let him go although my heart was broken. 
I want him to be happy in his life. 
Unforgettable memories with him make my mind shatter. 
We tried to rekindle after he left, however, the conclusion was always unchangeable.
It is so painful to let someone go when you are deeply in love with the person. 
Today, I wish him a happy birthday here anonymously.
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