

Coffee & Ramen

Mr. X | 조회 2610 | 추천 3
  • 2019.04.08
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
April 8, 2019

As I'm getting older, I'm trying to be more conscious of what I put inside my body. What I need to completely give up or cut down on are coffee and ramen.

I have had soda only a few times in the past 3 years, so I can say I almost completely quit drinking it. As a result of this, I've gone from soda to coffee, that is to say instant coffee mix. I need to find a replacement for it. I know water is the best but I'm a human, not a plant. I can't live drinking only water.

There's one more thing that is seriously ruining my health. It is ramen. I more or less live on ramen. I try to eat it in a healthy way, I mean a less harmful way. I know ramen isn't good for health whatsoever even if I eat only noodles without the seasoning powder. But I don't think I can give up noodles, so it should be replaced with non-instant noodles made from healthy ingredients. 
해커스어학원, 해커스토익, 토익강좌, 수강신청, 토익수강신청
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