
JM | 조회 3184 | 추천 15
  • 2017.04.28
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소



How many cups of coffee do you have a day? Not until about ten years ago, weren't Koreans familiar with a cup of coffee early in


the morning as an eye-opener. It was just that they enjoyed what was called 'mix coffee' having a mixture of coffee, cream powder,


and sugar in it. Some Korean males even despised and belittled women loyal to brand-name cafes such as Starbucks, and thought of


them as snobbish and stupid. They were sarcastic about women paying more for coffee than for a meal. Anyway, coffee is now an


integral part of everyday life for Koreans. I don't bother to go to a good cafe and pay much though, I can't start a day without


drinking it. I would feel helpless and enervated without it. I must be addicted to it!




번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16382 today 서현수 2108
16381 hi [2] 서현수 2246
16380 recently [2] 서현수 2381
16379 My favorite TV program [3] 미나리 tea 2486
16378 day 1 [2] mina 2447
16377 WOw [2] Wow 2113
16376 Life [2] Benny 2103
16375 If you want to improve your English Hana 2145
16374 How's your monday going so far? tiredaf 2197
16373 My life [3] Benny 2144
16372 Role model Shin 2060
16371 My life Benny 1779
16370 Hi~ Hyewon 1709
16369 Wow!!I found it!! HJ 1793
16368 So here is 2018's first posting [1] hny 1884
16367 hi [2] mansu 1946
16366 First Diary [1] 수수 2098
16365 No Jam time [1] 828 2104
16364 body move [1] Jenny 2363
16363 wake up early [1] Jenny 2021

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[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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