
영어로만말해요 영어로 자유롭게 대화를 나누는 곳입니다. 반드시 영어만 사용해주세요.

해커스어학원, 해커스토익, 토익강좌, 수강신청, 토익수강신청

Quantum technology

Jeff | 조회 668 | 추천 6
  • 2021.04.01
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
I was miserably poor at sciences and math during my school years. My interest was centered on a humanities rather than natural science when going to college.   
But oddly in recent months, I've had fun looking up science contents on the Youtube. 
It was amazing to skim over great scientists' biographies and their passionating theories. I was stunned by their genius
A couple of days ago, I came across the quantum technology on a Youtube channel. Even though I didn't understand all of it, it seemed to be very interesting to learn about atom, electron, confrontation between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics etc. My memories do not go on long for the most of part LOL.  
New that 4th Industrial revolution became buzzword, I would need to keep up with scientific trends which will apply to our daily lives sooner or later. 
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1204 Affinity Jeff 584
1203 Space tourism Jeff 583
1202 Age gaps Jeff 634
1201 Reunification Jeff 614
1200 Smart system Jeff 687
1199 Traveling Jeff 666
>> Quantum technology Jeff 669
1197 Missing kids mistery Jeff 668
1196 Vegetarianism Jeff 622
1195 Senior romance Jeff 609
1194 By-elections Jeff 655
1193 Restroom manners Jeff 638
1192 Dialogue Jeff 625
1191 Washer room cleaning Jeff 615
1190 Family occasion Jeff 581
1189 Vitenamese rice noodle Jeff 654
1188 Comfort zone Jeff 501
1187 LH scandal Jeff 624
1186 Refrigerator Jeff 533
1185 Coincidence or superstition Jeff 618
1184 Volunteering Jeff 591
1183 Desperate colleges [2] Jeff 604
1182 N.Korea policy Jeff 638
1181 Spring Jeff 550
1180 New glasses Jeff 599
1179 Korean language Jeff 625
1178 Invitation Jeff 652
1177 A person's passing Jeff 648
1176 Reading Jeff 644
1175 Bullying Jeff 624

해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.

[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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