
영어로만말해요 영어로 자유롭게 대화를 나누는 곳입니다. 반드시 영어만 사용해주세요.


English performance

Jeff | 조회 661 | 추천 0
  • 2021.01.25
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
I saw a news article reading the reason why Scandinavian people speak so well. 
I remember being impressed with the Swedish homeless people who was speaking fluently in English in a interview with an American documentary reporter on TV.  
According to the news article, the north European countries don't dub any movies and series on TV, their audience is so familiar with English early in life. On the top of that, their learning method is focused on practicing English rather than study grammar and read too much complicated texts. 
I hope our English education should be more balanced in favor of communication skills. 

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1384 MBTI [4] Jeff 631
1383 Surgical operation [3] Jeff 675
1382 Covid [1] Jeff 650
1381 Slurping [3] Jeff 681
1380 Trailblazer [1] Jeff 627
1379 Hair removal [3] Jeff 594
1378 Early bird [2] Jeff 592
1377 Class president [2] Jeff 618
1376 Dog days [1] Jeff 601
1375 Brain-eating ameba [2] Jeff 571
1374 Murder-suicide [1] Jeff 596
1373 Key interest rate [2] Jeff 514
1372 Condolantory visit [3] Jeff 614
1371 Fields award [3] Jeff 646
1370 Rainy days [1] Jeff 568
1369 Great grandma [1] Jeff 551
1368 Wild bird and wildfire [1] Jeff 548
1367 Upset stomach Jeff 480
1366 Covid vaccine for babies [1] Jeff 632
1365 Invasion of privacy [1] Jeff 566
1364 Animalist Party [1] Jeff 550
1363 Woman and flower [1] Jeff 626
1362 Baby formula [1] Jeff 513
1361 Annoying behaviors [1] Jeff 508
1360 Goolden boots [1] Jeff 475
1359 Elections [1] Jeff 517
1358 Fierce dogs Jeff 522
1357 Unlucky guy Jeff 553
1356 Karma [1] Jeff 576
1355 Wife [1] Jeff 593

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