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Jeff | 조회 741 | 추천 0
  • 2020.12.21
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
I have a teenage son, who is attending high school next year. 
When we talked about the studies and career a couple of days ago, he said to me he wants to be a rapper and rap producer. 
Apparently, it seems awesome but, it's not easy and not realistic. 
Frankly, as a father, I want him to get a stable job viewed by people as desirable. 
But I changed my mind after reading some motivational writings. 
It is crucial to do what you are best at and what makes you feel happy, even though you won't be the best necessarily on the job. 
Maybe, the dream of my son can change later, but I will be wholly supportive of his choice and cheer him up.  

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1354 Parasol [1] Jeff 620
1353 Mid-term exam [1] Jeff 597
1352 Commencement speakers Jeff 621
1351 Shooting rampage [1] Jeff 592
1350 IQ and jobs [1] Jeff 585
1349 Problems with bottled water [5] Good 620
1348 Five tips to make people like you [2] Good 612
1347 Ironical [3] Jeff 619
1346 1 smile = 2000 bars of chocolate [2] Good 577
1345 Brain ability age limitation [2] Good 548
1344 Don't sleep on light [1] Good 628
1343 Big Decisions make you happy [1] Good 525
1342 Will Smith [2] Jeff 583
1341 Microplastics in human blood [1] Good 376
1340 Phone may be making you look old [2] Good 529
1339 How long does Corona Virus last on surfa... [1] Good 551
1338 Daylight [1] Good 604
1337 Russian Forces Jeff 560
1336 color changable car [2] Good 593
1335 Happiness indicator [4] Jeff 586
1334 Doomed flight Jeff 562
1333 EPL Jeff 548
1332 Rolling Stones Jeff 559
1331 Politics Jeff 517
1330 Military volunteer Jeff 534
1329 Common Covid Jeff 499
1328 Teen moms Jeff 540
1327 Cigarette ban Jeff 523
1326 Manufactured Kimchi Jeff 570
1325 Swimming cap [1] Jeff 520

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