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Jeff | 조회 733 | 추천 0
  • 2020.12.29
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
My mother has been a strong believer and churchgoer for a very long time, maybe 40 years. 
And that, she belongs to a religious sect. I don't care about her religious choice. I even respect her choice. 
But it's quite annoying to see her telling my son like "You must not believe Evolution theory taught in class, this is not true.  
The world is designed by God something like that" 
I feel so bad to see her behavior and thoughts. Whenever I call her to say hello, she ends the conversation by glorifying her God and church. I try to move past it but sometimes, I'm stressed out. It's really regrettable that she devotes herself to dogmatic beliefs.  
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1354 Parasol [1] Jeff 615
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1350 IQ and jobs [1] Jeff 583
1349 Problems with bottled water [5] Good 618
1348 Five tips to make people like you [2] Good 610
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1346 1 smile = 2000 bars of chocolate [2] Good 574
1345 Brain ability age limitation [2] Good 546
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1343 Big Decisions make you happy [1] Good 520
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