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Jeff | 조회 539 | 추천 0
  • 2022.02.04
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
These days, new workers leave often after a short while. It looks quite ironical because, at a time that young job seekers have trouble landing a job, these young workers don't hesitate to leave the jobs they struggled to get.  
They hold farewell parties with their friends and co-workers and share their working stories on SNS and Youtube. 
Some youtubers post their vlog at work. Sometimes, their office life might be a bit sugarcoated but it seems quite fun and interesting. 
When it comes to this early leaving among new workers, Some older peole say that young generation are not patient or persistent. Others even say that young workers want to only get their way. But personally, I don't think so. 
I believe the young peole want to have a balanced work and life more than ever and they are more creative and adventure seeker.
They dont't want to be in comfort zone.
You know, as for the older generation, as you land a job, you try to work at the same work for life wheather you enjoy the job or not.
But the young generation is a digital generation. And then they are very skillful in the use of digital devices and getting new information. They feel free communicating with unknown people on SNS. All this information and communication friendly environement allows them to make their way without sticking around at the job they originally get.  
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1324 SKY Jeff 493
1323 Nerve Jeff 489
1322 Aging Jeff 572
1321 Weird woman Jeff 496
1320 Mosquito Jeff 509
>> New workers Jeff 539
1318 When it rains, it pours Jeff 481
1317 Bla bla checkout Jeff 490
1316 Family occasion Jeff 572
1315 Drinking Jeff 526
1314 Ukraine Jeff 566
1313 Titanic Jeff 559
1312 Gender pay gap Jeff 458
1311 Unusual discovery Jeff 501
1310 Japanese volcano Jeff 521
1309 Stheoscope Jeff 558
1308 Regrettable passing Jeff 507
1307 Freak death Jeff 524
1306 Brave pilot Jeff 490
1305 Sanitory pass Jeff 521
1304 An inspiring item Jeff 542
1303 Marathon Jeff 479
1302 Christmas Eve Jeff 544
1301 Extraordinary career Jeff 511
1300 DINK Jeff 587
1299 Wildfire Jeff 552
1298 Messy Jeff 548
1297 Korea age Jeff 488
1296 Perfume [2] Jeff 559
1295 Stuffed pets Jeff 572

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