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How did YouTube Affect the Entertainment Industry?

Interviewee’s Answer:
The entertainment industry has gotten bigger over the century; from print to radio, radio to television, and television to cinemas. Everybody probably thought it would stop there. The growth of the entertainment industry has taken a different direction since the invention of the Internet. In fact, the Internet is not only an alternative to television and other sorts of entertainment. The Internet is their extension. Without the Internet, the entertainment industry would not flourish as much as it has been doing.

YouTube, specifically, has been a huge venue that allowed the entertainment industry to spread. It is one of the most popular go-to websites. Movie trailers, drama teasers, cooking shows, music videos, news, replays, advertisements, and many more can be uploaded by registered users for free. Media corporations like CBS, the BBC, Vevo, and Hulu have even partnered with YouTube to promote their shows. On the other hand, registered and unregistered users can access videos without spending a dime.

Many musicians, comedians, and actors who rose to fame have also used YouTube to be discovered. Realizing the fierce competition in the show business, some took matters into their own hands by promoting themselves on YouTube. They posted videos of themselves while singing, dancing, acting, and so on. As a matter of fact, some famous artists today rose to fame by either starting out as YouTube sensations or through the assistance of YouTube.

Some of the comedians and artists who got rich and famous, are Justin Bieber, Kate Upton, Charice Pempengco, and Park Jae-sang, also known as Psy. His music video of the famous song Gangnam Style exceeded one billion views on YouTube, and Psy subsequently got recognized by the media as “King of YouTube.”

YouTube is not just an extension of television. In its own way, it has become a different world of entertainment in itself where it has its own channels and celebrities, from singers and musicians to home cooks and chefs. Although some of these celebrities are not famous on television, they gain popularity through followers. Their online popularity makes them superstars through their direct interaction with their followers and subscribers across the globe.

This is only one of the many uses of YouTube today. For me, YouTube has created a positive transformation that allowed many talented individuals to have their shot at becoming recognized without conformity to the mainstream show business.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. The interviewee talked about the changes in the entertainment industry.

2. The interviewee mentioned some celebrities who got famous via YouTube.

3. The interviewee mentioned the usefulness of YouTube for aspirants who wish to show their talent and become celebrities.


trailer 영화 등의 예고편

teaser 티저, 예고편

dime 다임 (10센트짜리 동전)

assistance 도움, 원조

subscriber 구독자

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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