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Abortion of Sick Babies Debate

Induced abortion is the purposeful termination of a pregnancy even before the baby is viable for life. There are varied reasons why babies are being aborted. Reasons like unexpected pregnancies and having babies with diseases and abnormalities are among those that are being questioned.

According to United Kingdom’s Abortion Act of 1967, it is legally acceptable to allow the abortion of a fetus not older than 24 weeks of gestation provided that the following reasons apply: the baby has extreme deviations from perfect health, or when the medical practitioner has no other choice to save a mother’s life. More to its legality, the ongoing clamor by the people is on the moral aspect behind issue. There is a dispute about whether or not abortion, especially the abortion of sick babies, is a morally acceptable act.

Those who support the abortion of sick babies claim that it is for the good of all parties involved in the situation. The baby will not have to suffer in life and the parents won't be obliged to provide specialized care to fit the needs of a child.

They also say that the abortion of a sick baby is very different from committing abortion for family planning or financial incapacity. The reason behind aborting a sick baby is a decision made out of love, a desire to forbid an unborn child to live a life of suffering, and not because of selfishness.

In a wider perspective, people who support abortion claim that an unborn fetus cannot yet be considered human. The birth of the child marks the beginning of life. This then makes the abortion of sick babies support the theory of natural selection, survival of the fittest.

Opponents also have very strong claims against abortion of sick babies. For them, aborting a child is a form of murder, making it morally unacceptable. More to this, those against abortion of sick babies see the act as a violation of human rights. Whether or not a child has abnormalities or debilitating diseases, the baby has the right to live.

Another point is fiddling with life’s natural course. Things that may be true now may not remain the same in the future. A fetus may manifest disabilities while in the womb but that doesn’t imply that the baby will not live a good life. There are a lot of medicines, supportive therapy and specialized treatments being invented these days so once the baby is born there are a lot of options for cure.

Abortion of sick babies still continues all over the world and its moral acceptability remains in question.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Debate: Abortion of Sick Babies Debate

The debate about the morality of aborting sick babies continues. There have been convincing arguments made by both sides. What is your opinion about the issue ― is the abortion of sick babies morally acceptable?


1. Abortion of sick babies brings mutual good to the unborn child and the parents.

2. Choosing to abort a sick child is mainly for the good of the unborn child.

3. Abortion of sick babies supports natural selection: survival of the fittest.


1. Abortion is murder. A fetus is destined to live hence making abortion an act of killing.

2. Abortion is a violation of human rights. Even sick babies have the right to live.

3. There are a lot of treatment regimens available for any kind of disease, so abortion of a sick baby should not be an option.


termination 종료/

viable 실행 가능한/

fetus 태아/

deviation 일탈/

medical practitioner 의사/

clamor 시끄러운 외침/

debilitating 쇠약하게 하는/

fiddle 조작하다/

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