
텝스비법노트 텝스학습에 성공한 고수들의 비법이나 좋은 학습 방법을 나누는 게시판입니다.


한 눈에 보이는 문법 공식 (4)분사/분사 구문

맘마미아 | 조회 6733 | 추천 13
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4. 분사/분사 구문

1) 명사를 수식하는 분사의 의미상 주어

point) ing + 명사 + ing : 능동의 의미(명사가 ~하다)

p.p + 명사 + p.p : 수동의 의미(명사가 ~되다)

ex) They wanted cats to kill the rats (eating/eaten) their food supplies.

I saw the window (broken/breaking) by someone.

The boy (stealing/stolen) flowers from my garden.

The kitchen (painting/painted) with white.

5. 5형식 문장에서 분사의 의미상 주어

point) 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 + ing : 목적어가 ~하다(능동)

+ 동사 + 목적어 + p.p : 목적어가 ~당하다(수동)

ex) I heard my name (calling/called) by someone.

I saw her (beating/beaten) a boy.

I saw her (beating/beaten) by a boy.

He kept his students (doing/done) the project.

He kept the horse (tying/tied) to a tree.

6. 분사구문에서의 의미상 주어

point) ing ~ , 주어 + 동사 ~ : ~가 ~하다(능동)

p.p ~, 주어 + 동사 ~ : ~가 되다(수동)

ex) (Hearing/Heard) his voice on the telephone, I noticed right away who

was calling me.

(Asking/Asked) the many questions, the reporter interviewed the man.

= When he asked the many questions, the reporter interviewed the man.

(Asking/Asked) why he chose the job, the man replied "I just like it."

= When he was asked why he chose the job, the man replied "I just like


(Living/Lived) in the country, I am very healthy.

(Writing/Written) in haste, the book has many faults.

<연습 문제>

1. (Entering/Entered) the shop, I looked around and bought many clothes.

2. (Bringing/Brought) up independently, James can decide and do things on

his own.

3. All things (considering/considered), he is the best man for the job.

7. 접속사 있는 분사구문

point) 접속사(when, while, though, if, as등) + ing ~, 주어 + 동사 ~ : 능동

접속사(when, while, though, if, as등) + p.p ~, 주어 + 동사 ~ : 수동

ex) When (asking/asked) why the species became extinct, he explained that

the pesticides polluted the water.

Though (loving/loved) him, I won't marry him.

If (using/used) properly, the nuclear energy can be of great help.

<연습 문제>

1. Once (learning/learned) a language, we cannot easily forget it.

2. If (doing/done) properly, a handshake gives the impression of strength

and honesty.

3. When (asking/asked) to define jazz, he replied, "When you've got to ask

what it is, you'll never get to know."

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